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  • NotSoInnocent

    Mar 12, 2025

    UTIMI Angel Review: Look Like an Angel, Play Like a Devil

    Aside from the pearlescent coloring of the hard shell covering of the device, I'm not sure how this device got its name, which means there's no room for puns, but boy do I have a few roast style jokes lol. This product looks and feels like Apple released a new ergonomic but naughty mouse lol. Thanks Steve Jobs xD! If Star Trek had a remote control for the transport device this would be it. Beam my bean up Scotty! Smash Mouth should have said all that shimmer is gold, as this little device makes me feel like I've struck gold! Like an X-rated version of Ariel I have suckers and vibrating dildos galore, but this thingamabob, I've only got the one. In all seriousness though, of all the toys I've reviewed thus far this one really is a standalone product. At first I thought it was going to be a bit cumbersome due to its shape and size but its actually quite ergonomic and versatile. Obviously it's a hand held device, but the shape and size also allows it to slip down between one's legs while sitting for a bit of hands free action. The strength is plentiful, not overly intense like the air pulse power of the INYA Rose, but on par with the strengths the Satsifyer Mission Control is capable of. Definitely a book I should not have judged by its cover as it's pretty handy after all lol.

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