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  • RalphGreco

    Feb 24, 2025


    One of the two mini masturbators in the Tenga Arte line, their DRAPE male jerker offers a rash of wonderful sensations the minute you stick yourself up and in it (lube recommended). Guys really packing might find this sleeve a little too small, but no matter your tool, you could pretty much get the best of you up this cap-like sleeve and enjoy the extra tug and tickle this male sex toy gives you with every squeeze. What the DRAPE has particularly is delicate folds and crevices, set on a tight base structure. That tighter base adds just the right amount of balanced pressure. This makes the DRAPE as easy to work as hold in one hand. Either for solo explorations of quick tugging comes or for long-lasting dick training, this malleable little masturbatory sleeve delivers. You're gonna need lube though. And the sleeve can even be turned inside out for easier cleaning and drying. And speaking of drying, TENGA has the sleeve set inside its domed covering on what doubles as a holder as a drying stand.

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  • adriantoychats

    Nov 14, 2024

    maude dome review: minimalism at its finest

    It's not often that a toy makes me say, "wow". I rarely find myself being TRULY impressed at a sex toy, especially when I've tried so many. Of course they feel good and they do their job, but I always know what I'm getting myself into. I have my expectations and most toys meet them. Not the dome from maude. This toy exceeded each and every expectation I had. It's a real contender for my favorite stroker. Scratch that, my favorite sex toy. The most shocking thing about this is how simple everything about it is. maude goes back to basics with this toy and truly provides something that will give mind-blowing orgasms. I was impressed by every aspect of this toy. It's sleek, simple, insanely pleasurable, easy to use, and even easy to clean. Let's get right into it.

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